KIZUNA Strings

String-Test 2020

KIZUNA D61 Duratech - 0,61 mm in the test

KIZUNA, a Japanese company that is still relatively unknown in Europe, has established itself as one of the most popular string manufacturers in Asia in recent years. Responsible is Mr. Abe Hideo, who founded KIZUNA in 2013 and stands for the production and distribution of badminton strings and equipment "Made in Japan". As a long-time badminton trainer and former national coach, Mr. Hideo has made it his goal to develop good badminton strings that support the game of amateur players. Many recreational badminton players lack physical condition and technique. And this is exactly where KIZUNA comes in. Good badminton strings should make you feel like a better player. BADLAB racket team tested to which extent KIZUNA achieved this goal.

KIZUNA D61 Duratech - 0,61 mm 1 2 3 4 5   Average
1. The string conveys a good feel for the stroke (touch/feedback) - 1 2 2 -   3,2
2. The string shows good elasticity and shock damping performance - - 4 1 -   3,2
3. The string retains its elasticity (trampoline effect) for a long time - - 5 - -   3
4. The string supports a good length on clears - - 3 2 -   3,4
5. The string supports underhand clear and defense - - 2 3 -   3,6
6. The string offers good control during short net play - - 2 2 1   3,8
7. The string offers a rich, controlled power transmission on hard smashes. - 1 3 1 -   3
8. The string impresses with a good hitting sound - - 2 3 -   3,6

Evaluation: The KIZUNA D61 Duratech / Hard - 0.61 mm is technically and optically probably the most striking string in the KIZUNA string test. The KIZUNA D61 Duratech is a two-tone, ring-shaped twisted string in which Teflon has been processed. Our testers see the advantages of this slightly rough string in it´s grip, which enables very good "control in short play" and "controlled defense in underhand play". Apparat from that, the advantages of this very hard string are probably more important for very good players than for ambitious amateur players like most of our testers.

16. November 2020

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