String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX AEROSONIC - 0,61 mm in the test

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

YONEX AEROSONIC - 0,61mm rating: 1 2 3 4 5   Average
1. The string conveys a good feel for the stroke (touch/feedback) - - - 1 4   4,8
2. The string has good elasticity and damping properties - - - 3 2   4,4
3. The string retains its elasticity (trampoline effect) for a very long time - - - 2 3   4,6
4. The string supports a good length on Clears - - - 2 3   4,6
5. The string supports my underhand play (e.g. in defense) - - - - 5   5
6. The string provides good control during short game (e.g. cut or short crossball at net) - - - - 5   5
7. The string offers a rich, controlled power transmission in hard smashes. - - - 4 1   4,2
8. The string impresses with a good "sound” - - - 1 4   4,8

Rating: The YONEX AEROSONIC / 0.61 mm is the only string to achieve the unanimous top score of 5.0 in individual categories - with "good control in short game" and "supports my underhand play". The AEROSONIC also received a top score of 4.8 for "good feel", and the thinnest string in the test (0.61 mm) also managed to achieve the best score of all strings in the "Sound" category. But this very thin string also has its limits, namely when it comes to power transmission and a rich feel when smashing. For professionals it therefore "only" appears as a cross string in the Aerobite and Aerobite Boost hybrid sets.

For all other players who prefer feeling and perfect control in short game, the YONEX AREOSONIC with its incomparable sound is our top recommendation.

19. February 2020

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