
In practice, like the right racket, the right footwear can make the difference. Large manufacturers of badminton equipment such as YONEX, VICTOR, LI NING, FORZA and BABOLAT have specialized in meeting the high demands of badminton shoes. When buying shoes, make sure you have a light, non-slip indoor shoe with good lateral support for optimal manoeuvrability. The damping should not be neglected, because the quick stops, turns and changes in direction put a lot of strain on the joints, ligaments and tendons.

02. December 2019


THE LIGHTNESS OF THE SPEEDS Football professionals and Formula 1 racing drivers enthusiastically play badminton “on the side” to improve their physical and mental responsiveness.

02. December 2019


1. Badminton is challenging and simple at the same time. Even with beginners there are rallies - but it is a long way to go to badminton at a high level. Nevertheless, it is fun at every level.

2. After running, badminton is the most effective form of training for the cardiovascular system. Half an hour to a full hour twice a week is enough to increase your fitness level a lot.

3. Badminton as an internal combustion engine. You are constantly on the move and the body burns many calories, almost without even realizing it. Lose weight and have fun doing it - where else can you find that?

4. You can play badminton from 7 to 70 years - and even women and men together! There is hardly any other sport. By the way, a Bundesliga team also consists of women and men.

5. You can play badminton almost anywhere. Many cities have one or even several clubs and often also a badminton center. In summer you can even go to the park or garden.

02. November 2019


Due to differences in material, construction and covering, the racket concepts are based on the different types of players: aggressive, defensive, strong on the net or more with smash. The differences can be seen in weight, hardness or flexibility and head or handle heaviness.

02. October 2019

Badminton News


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